Book Chapters

“Nomadism in modern Afghanistan: asset or anachronism?”
Afghanistan in the 1970 – 1974

Louis Dupree and Lynette Albert (eds), New York, Praeger, pp. 126-143. [Link]

“Pakhtun nomads”
Western and Central Asia, Vol. 15 of Peoples of the Earth, 1975

Andre Singer (ed.), Mondadori.

Muslim People, 1978

Richard Weekes (ed.),Greenwood, pp. 357-362. (2nd edn, 1984, pp. 670-674).

“Individuated grazing rights and social organization among the Shahsevan nomads of Azarbayjan”
Equipe, etc

pp. 95-114.

“The organization of nomadic communities in pastoral societies of the Middle East”
Pastoral Production and Society, 1979

In Equipe écologie et anthropologie des sociétés pastorales (eds), Cambridge University Press/Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, pp. 43-65. (Transl. into Persian as “Sazman-e ejtema‘-ha-ye kuch-ro dar khavar-e mianeh”, in Majmu‘eh-ye Ketab-e Agah, Ilat va ‘Ashayer. Tehran, Agah, 1362/1983, pp. 269-302.) [Link]

“Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan”.
Atlas of Mankind, 1982

Mitchell Beazley, pp. 110-113.

Contribution to “Social Sciences” section of L
Bibliographic Guide to Iran, 1983

P. Elwell-Sutton (ed.), Brighton, Harvester.

The Conflict of Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, 1983

pp. 1-82, and “Nomads and commissars in the Mughan steppe: the Shahsevan tribes in the Great Game”, pp. 401-435, in R. Tapper (ed.) London, Croom Helm.

“Holier than thou: Islam in three tribal societies”
Islam in Tribal Societie, 1984

Akbar S. Ahmed and David M. Hart (eds), London, Routledge, pp. 244-265.

“Ethnicity and class: dimensions of inter-group conflict in north-central Afghanistan”
Revolutions and Rebellions in Afghanistan: Anthropological Perspective, 1984

Nazif Shahrani and Robert Canfield (eds), Berkeley, Inst. for International Studies, pp. 230-246.

“‘Thank God we’re secular!’ Aspects of fundamentalism in a Turkish town”
Studies in Religious Fundamentalism, 1987

with Nancy Tapper, Lionel Caplan (ed.) London, Macmillan,, pp. 51-78. (Transl. into Turkish as “‘Allah’a şükür laik’iz!’”, Türkiye Günlüğü 31, 1994, pp. 127-46; also in Nancy Lindisfarne, Elhamdülillah Laikiz. Cinsiyet, Islam ve Türk Cumhuriyetçiliği, Istanbul, İletişim, 2001)

“Ethnicity, order and meaning in the anthropology of Iran and Afghanistan”
Le Fait Ethnique en Iran et en Afghanistan, 1987

Jean-Pierre Digard (ed.), Paris, Editions du CNRS (Colloques Internationaux), pp. 21-34. [Link]

“Concepts of disorder and responsibility among Durrani Pashtuns in northern Afghanistan”
The Tragedy of Afghanistan, 1988

with Nancy Tapper, Bo Huldt and Erland Jansson (eds), London, Croom Helm, pp.38-54.

“Animality, humanity, morality, society”
What is an Animal?, 1988

Tim Ingold (ed.) London, Unwin Hyman, pp. 47-62. (new edition 1993). [Link]

“Ethnic identities and social categories in Iran and Afghanistan”
History and Ethnicity (ASA Monographs 27), 1989

Elizabeth Tonkin, Maryon Macdonald and Malcolm Chapman (eds), London, Routledge, pp. 232-246.

“Historians, anthropologists and tribespeople on tribe and state formation in the Middle East”
Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, 1990

Philip Khoury and Joseph Kostiner (eds), Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, pp. 48-73.

“Introduction”,“Religion, education and continuity in a provincial town”,
Islam in Modern Turkey: Religion, Politics and Literature in a Secular State, 1991

pp. 1-27, pp. 56-83 (with Nancy Tapper), in R.Tapper (ed.), London, I B Tauris.

“Historians, anthropologists and tribespeople on tribe and state formation in the Middle East”
Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, 1990

Philip Khoury and Joseph Kostiner (eds), Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, pp. 48-73.

“Golden tent-pegs: settlement and change among nomads in Afghan Turkistan”
Cultural Change and Continuity in Central Asia, 1991

Shirin Akiner (ed.), London, Kegan Paul International, pp. 198-217.

“The tribes in eighteenth and nineteenth century Iran”
From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic. Vol. 7 of The Cambridge History of Iran

Peter Avery, Gavin Hambly, Charles Melville (eds), Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 506-541.

Some Minorities in the Middle East, 1992

pp. 1-5, in R. Tapper (ed.), London, SOAS CNMES.

“Nomads and Commissars on the frontiers of Eastern Azarbayjan”
The Boundaries of Modern Iran, 1994

Keith McLachlan (ed), London, UCL Press, pp. 21-36.

“Introduction” ,“Blood, wine and water: social and symbolic aspects of drinking in the Middle East”
Culinary Cultures of the Middle East

with Sami Zubaida, pp. 1-17, pp. 215-231, in R. Tapper and S. Zubaida (eds), London, I B Tauris, 1994.

“Change, cognition and control: the reconstruction of nomadism in Iran”
When History Accelerates, 1994

C. M. Hann (ed.), London, Athlone Press, pp. 188-211. [Link]

“Felt huts, haired tents, scene changes, thought structures: Tents, identity and society among Shahsevan and Durrani nomads”
Nomad Tent Types in the Middle East, Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Beiheft B74,Part I, Vol. I1997

Peter A. Andrews (ed.), Wiesbaden, Dr Ludwig Reichert, pp. 534-44.

“Afghan articulations of identity: text and context”
Dire les Autres: Réflexions et pratiques ethnologiques: Textes offerts à Pierre Centlivres, 1997

Jacques Hainard and Roland Kaehr (eds) , Lausanne, Editions Payot, pp. 89-103.

“Water and tradition in three Middle Eastern communities: a study in cultural hydrology”
Hommes et Terres d’Islam. Mélanges offerts à Xavier de Planhol, 2000

Daniel Balland (ed.), Paris/Tehran, IFRI, 1, pp.161-74.

The New Iranian Cinema: Politics, Representation and Identity (edited), 2002

Richard Tapper (ed.), London, I. B. Tauris; pp. 1-25.

“Introduction: The Nomads of Iran”, “The Shahsevan Nomads of Moghan”
The Nomadic Peoples of Iran, 2002

pp. 10-39, pp. 260-83. In Richard Tapper and Jon Thompson (eds), London, Azimuth. [Link]

“Social Issues: Introduction”
The Middle East in London London, Stacey International, 2002

Caroline Singer (ed.), pp. 104-7.

“The case of the Shahsevan”
The Making of Modern Iran: State and Society under Riza Shah, 1921-1941

Stephanie Cronin (ed.), Curzon/BIPS, 2003, pp. 220-40.

Technology, Tradition and Survival: Aspects of Material Culture in the Middle East and Central Asia, 2003

with Keith McLachlan. In Richard Tapper and Keith McLachlan (eds), London, Frank Cass.

“Local-level constructions of ‘Turk’ and ‘Persian’”
Le monde turco-iranien en question, 2008

Mohammad-Reza Djalili, Alessandro Monsutti, Anna Neubauer (eds), Paris, Karthala, pp. 69-81.

“Islamism: ism or wasm?”
Islamism: Contested Perspectives on Political Islam, 2009

with Ziba Mir-Hosseini, in Richard Martin and Abbas Barzegar (eds), Stanford University Press, pp 81-86.

“Personal reflections on anthropology of and in Iran”
Conceptualizing Iranian Anthropology: Past and Present Perspectives, 2010

In Shahnaz Nadjmabadi (ed.), Oxford and New York, Berghahn, pp. 225-241.

“One hump or two? Hybrid camels and pastoral cultures, an update.”
Camel Cultures: Historical Traditions, Present Threats, and Future Prospects. Selected Papers from the Camel Conference @ SOAS2013

Ed Emery (ed.), London, SOAS, RN Books, pp. 149- 62. [Link]

“Pastoralism and patriliny: nomads and their animals.”
De l’Iran au Jazz, à cheval. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Pierre Digard, 2015

Christian Bromberger and Azadeh Kian (eds) , Paris, CNRS Editions, pp. 115-28.

“Tribalismus – anachronismus 21. století?”
Význam kmenové společnosti v 21. století (Importance of Tribal Society in the 21st Century), 2015

Karel Černý, Břetislav Tureček (eds) Prague, Metropolitan University Prague + Nakladatelství Lidové noviny; pp. 14-30. (Arabic translation, Omran (Doha), 15, Winter 2016)

“An Afghan shepherd’s life.”
Geographic Realities in the Middle East and North Africa. State, Oil and Agriculture, 2021

George Joffé and Richard Schofield (eds) London, Routledge, pp. 194-210.